plz call me Doc.Yu ^^

*p/s: its ceiling oo..

**Gong zho lei sang sou yu tiin cai**
**Hei mong lei san shan fai lok**
**Nin nin dou yao gam yat**
**soi soi dou yao gam jiu**
**Gong hei lei~**
**gOng~~ Hei~~ Lei ~~!!!**
*tiramisu* ^^
plz do stays happy always =b
blehx~ lublub !
luckx.. healthyx.. happy.. *piling*
Cutie N Jenny~ they both smoke ^^"
oopx~ i found dat no dress pic~ hv but nahh~ i lazy post other le ! how u all post picS de ??
da*n hard
liangmoi hair wehhh~ kai wan xiao~
haha **shy**
now i reali shi think like dis eh mai siao
tapi oo..
dis two day my hair kena perm 2times dye 3times !!
ooohhh~ so harmfull T T
den they make my hair BAO ZA !!
u noe negro ?
round round de ?
yesh like dat !!
i hv no pic de for 1st BAO ZA TOU in my life
but i do look like a barbie !! haha PUNK Barbie !
tapi no pic still~ ='
da SINGAPORE MOST SOUGHT AFTER HAIRSTYLIST said : Hmm, aiya,i dn bao za ur hair le i think short MOST suit uuu~ ba lets go, wash hair !
I was like~ O_O wht de~?
Aft wash hair bla bla den straighten back bcom like dis
its STILL long kn~ ^^V
da boy err *da man perhaps is CHEN HUI YEN tcher de hubby oo haha
well well, after dis i stil didnt have much time to take pic lo~ cz after dis pic i kena called again cz they goin to cut my hair AGAINS its de 3rd times le ! ><"
>tic tok tic tok tic tok<
!7.00pm! show time~~
i dn any pic on the stage atm haha..
aft dat~ LONG story !
pics pics n pics ~
me n de cutie~!